Safer Food Better Business – Keeping Your 5* Food Hygiene Rating Part 6 – Management
"Managing your business effectively is vital for food safety” SFBB
The Management section of the Safer Food Better Business pack (SFBB) is all about how Food Business Owner manages food safety. There are 3 criteria that the EHO assess your business on, hygiene, structure and confidence in management. Did you know that around one third of your food hygiene rating marks are for cleanliness and structure of the premises?
Here are five key points to achieving your 5* Food Hygiene Rating
1. Food Safety Management System
This is key to you achieving your 5 star Food Hygiene Rating. It sets out what you say you do when preparing and cooking food, and how your EHO will check if that’s what is actually happening in the kitchen. Keep it up together, check for updates on the Food Standards Agency website and keep it where it can be found.
2. Previous Inspections
The EHO will be looking to see if you’ve sorted out any problems from the previous inspection. You may be lucky enough they allow a second chance, but don’t rely on this method of managing your food safety.
3. Record Keeping
Do your temperature records and cleaning schedules, to name some of the documents, show that they are being completed accurately? Are problems recorded in the daily diary? Be sure to know that your EHO will easily find flaws and errors. If not checked and noted on the monthly review, watch your rating slide down the scale!
4. Staff Training
It’s crucial your staff training is up to date, especially as regulations change. Be warned, it doesn’t guarantee they’ll work safely and as time goes by, very often bad practises start to creep in and before you know it has become a bad habit.
5. Regular & Extra Cleaning
Cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. Never underestimate how important is to keep on top of your cleaning daily, weekly, monthly and six-monthly, no matter how busy or short-staffed you are!
The Safer Food Better Business pack is a free food safety management system created by the Food Standards Agency especially for small food businesses. Download your copy from