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Online courses start 

from as little as £12.50

Discover Our Expertise

We offer a number of high-quality creative and interactive video-based online learning courses for training professionals across a number of areas of Food Hygiene, and Health and Safety. These video courses provide full certification and are the ideal cost-effective aided learning​ tool for your business to ensure that your staff remain compliant with current legislation. But don't just take our word for it, sign up for a course now and trial the first module for free. Click on the video below for more information, or on the buttons below for course information and to purchase.


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If you work with food, it is vital that your food hygiene certification is up to date and suits your role. Once completed, you will receive a certificate you can download confirming you have successfully completed the course. 


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Safety in the workplace is of paramount importance. Keeping training current and up to date is vital to ensure that the highest safety standards are maintained always. Our interactive and engaging video courses are an ideal and cost-effective way of delivering the training needed to meet today's rigorous requirements.


First Aid Kit

First Aid training reduces the risk of accidents occurring and improves the confidence of employees to handle emergency situations if they happen.

An accident is a traumatic experience for both the patient and those attending to them. This level 2 certificate can provide your employees with basic skills to underpin your businesses preparation for an emergency.



The alcohol licensing laws of the United Kingdom regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol. Any
organisation, business or individual who wishes to sell alcohol must have a licence. This is obtained
from a Licensing Authority.
This course starts with an overview of UK alcohol licensing laws and the importance of promoting
the four key licensing objectives.


Fire Alarm

Our online fire safety training courses are aimed at all employees to assist them in identifying and reducing the risk that fire presents in the workplace. Ensure your workforce is properly trained in fire safety with one of our courses. It can provide induction training for new starters and temporary staff  or refresh the knowledge of current staff.


Holding Hands

In order to fully understand safeguarding and the role it plays, it is important to know what constitutes abuse. It can be verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, financial or even neglect and can lead to the victim being hurt, upset, frightened or manipulated into doing something they know is wrong.


Removing Asbestos Roofing

It is a legal requirement that all who may come across asbestos in their day to day work have been provided with asbestos awareness training. Our courses are fully approved by the Independent Asbestos Training Providers (IATP) and the CPD Certification Service giving you an assurance of quality. 

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