Safety in the workplace is of paramount importance to employer and employee alike, and keeping training current and up to date is vital to ensure that the highest safety standards are maintained. Our interactive and engaging video courses are an ideal and cost-effective way of delivering the training needed to meet today's rigorous requirements. Our online videos guide candidates through each course step-by-step, delivering effective training and a provide a recognised certificate upon successful course completion.
Please check individual courses for their accreditations.

Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card)
Health & Safety is a significant concern. Everyone has an essential role to play in reducing deaths and accidents at work. Failure to meet the requirements of Health and Safety regulations carries serious consequences so understanding these requirements is vital. This course is aimed at those starting out in the construction industry and provides an introduction to some of the key aspects of health and safety on and around construction sites.
This course can be taken along with the accredited exam to provide you with a recognised qualification that can form part of your CSCS card application - please contact us for more information.
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
Working safely is in the interest and concern of all staff - both the employers and employees. Workers have an expectation to go home at the end of the working day not having been injured - or having had their health affected by - any workplace activity, or as a result of it.
Approved by RoSPA & IIRSM - Duration 150 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course covers what you need to know about the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. It's aimed at anyone who is exposed to Substances Hazardous to Health at work, as well as line managers with responsibility for such people.
Approved by IIRSM - Duration 125 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
At the end of this course you will have an understanding of health and safety legislation and you’ll be able to list common causes of accidents. You’ll also be able to understand good practice in relation to electricity and describe the use of safe manual handling techniques as well as be able to describe good practice associated with COSHH regulations, be able to describe your action in the event of a fire and also you will know how to deal with an accident.
Approved by IIRSM - Duration 45 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
Slips, trips and falls account for almost a third of non fatal injuries at work. It is a widely held belief that with just a few minor changes to working practices and attitudes this could be reduced significantly. This course will introduce you to some of the statistics relating to slips, trips and falls and dispel some of the myths surrounding them. It also touches on the law as it relates to slips, trips and falls. It contains real examples of where things have gone wrong and some practical steps that could have been taken to prevent these incidents. The course also covers some of the straightforward changes that can be made in most businesses to significantly reduce the risk of a slip, trip or fall incident occurring. The final module takes this to the next level and looks at it from a management perspective.
Approved by IIRSM - Duration 60 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
Manual handling covers a wide range of activities and incorrect manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work. The nature of the load itself doesn't matter if you have to use your muscles, then it's manual handling and, well, you're in danger.
Approved by IIRSM & CPD - Duration 75 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course is aimed at anyone who undertakes work at height, or who employs people who regularly work at height. It covers what constitutes work at height, the safety issues, and how to assess and reduce some of the risks.
Approved by RoSPA - Duration 105 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course is aimed at anyone who uses abrasive wheels, or employs people who use abrasive wheels as part of their work. It covers different types of AW, safety in their use and how to identify the type of wheel.
Approved by IIRSM & CPD - Duration 100 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
Explaining the background to Legionella and Legionnaires' Disease, the potential risks associated with water systems and how these can be prevented or controlled.
Approved by RoSPA - Duration 75 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course defines behavioural safety and explains the origins of the concept. It covers how it can be implemented in the workplace and some of the potential benefits. It includes analysis of some examples of 'at risk behaviours' and some examples of ways you can measure how well your organisation is doing when it comes to safety. Finally it touches on some of the key laws regarding health and safety in the workplace and how to ensure positive workforce attitudes.
Approved by IIRSM - Duration 45 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course will cover the legislation associated with working in confined spaces. What constitutes a confined space, the potential hazards, safe operating procedures, and emergency procedures and rescue.
Important note: This is an awareness course only, designed for people who need to be aware of the hazards and risks of confined space working but are not required to enter a confined space. If you are required to perform any work activity in, or in the proximity of, a confined space then you will also need to have an 'approved' standard of practical training at the 'appropriate' level.
Duration 25 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course is aimed at companies who employ users of display screen equipment, or DSE as it's often called and is intended to be completed by those who will be assessing the DSE set ups of employees. DSE is a term that covers a wide range of equipment. If equipment like this is not set up correctly, users are at increased risk from certain disorders.
Approved by IIRSM - Duration 25 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course is aimed at users of display screen equipment, or DSE as it's often called. DSE is a term that covers a wide range of equipment. If DSE equipment like this is not set up correctly, users are at increased risk from certain disorders. As an employee, you share the responsibility to keep people safe at work. That means undergoing relevant training and ensuring that rules are followed.
Approved by IIRSM - Duration 50 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This awareness course covers the core concepts of the regulations and details the various roles that are required for a construction project along with the key documents that need to be produced. It starts with an introduction to CDM, then covers some of the parameters that need to be checked when a project is being planned. It finishes by detailing a number of example projects that illustrate how the regulations can be applied.
Duration 40 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This awareness course covers the core concepts of the regulations and details the various roles that are required for a construction project along with the key documents that need to be produced. It starts with an introduction to CDM, then covers some of the parameters that need to be checked when a project is being planned. It finishes by detailing a number of example projects that illustrate how the regulations can be applied.
Duration 40 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
Every day, thousands of people are exposed to situations where they are left alone in work premises, or when visiting members of the public during their working day. There are many risks associated with working in isolation and without the support of colleagues, including accidents and violence. This course acts as an introduction to personal safety for lone workers and applies to those that work alone within business premises, mobile workers and homeworkers. It covers the legal responsibilities of both employers and employees, some of the common security precautions that can be implemented, practical steps you can take to avoid conflict in lone worker situations and other elements that can contribute to lone worker safety.
Duration 45 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
Introduction to Risk Assessment Risk assessment is a systematic method of looking at work activities, and considering the things that could cause significant harm to people, property or the environment. The most important purpose of risk assessments is to help prevent accidents and ensure the safety of employees and anyone affected by workplace activities. At the end of this course, candidates will have an understanding of what a risk assessment is and how to complete one. To achieve this the course will define important terms, provide some basic background information to explain how important risk assessments are and discuss some of the legislation that applies. It will then go on to provide practical advice on how to identify hazards and analyse risk before finishing off by explaining the responsibilities of both employers and employees with regards to risk assessment.
Duration 90 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course will start by introducing the learning outcomes and role of the lockdown officer, then discuss some of the likely reasons for a lockdown, go over some of the steps you can take to prepare your school for lockdown as well as what to do in the event of a lockdown taking place.
Approved by CPD - Duration 60 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course will show how wearing PPE plays a crucial role in preventing and reducing fatalities, injuries and diseases at work. It includes details of a wide range of PPE options, examines the legislation and regulations and also covers the role risk assessment plays in the selection and use of PPE. The course concludes with advice on how to use, fit and wear PPE and its physical and theoretical limitations.
Approved by CPD - Duration 60 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course is an introduction to the private security industry, and the main services it covers. It discusses the body which regulates the industry, highlights the standards of behaviour expected from security operatives, and the law as it relates to the industry. It includes an in-depth look at health and safety issues, the concept of duty of care and examines a range of emergency situations which security operatives might be involved with. The course also covers communication skills, including tips for effective radio communication and instructions on how to use the phonetic alphabet.
Approved by CPD - Duration 90 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course will show you how dangerous noise can be in the workplace, and the main safety issues you should be aware of. It will take you through some of the simple science, the main laws that apply and introduce you to noise level limits. It also covers some of the specific health risks and how to avoid them by producing risk assessments, action plans and through the provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment. It concludes by examining how to provide information and instruction to employees, along with the most professional way to conduct health surveillance of the workforce.
Duration 55 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions
This course is intended to provide you with the information you need to understand and spot the signs of drug and alcohol misuse. It covers the legal and social implications for the individual and for your company if you find out an employee is misusing drugs. This course discusses the law, different types of drugs, and policies that can be put in place to protect yourself, your business and your employees.
Approved by CPD - Duration 80 mins*
*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions